Thank you for visiting our website!
Here you will find information concerning our association of churches and its ministries. We are a partnership of 60+ churches in Abilene, Texas and the surrounding area, including congregations in communities and along county roads in Taylor, Callahan, and Jones Counties. As developed and agreed upon by member churches, the objectives of the Abilene-Callahan Baptist Association are:
1) To encourage doctrinal unity and integrity of the member churches as set for in the Holy Scriptures,
2) To encourage a spirit of cooperative fellowship among the member churches, association and conventions,
3) To assist, combine, and direct the energies and efforts of the churches within this association in the promotion of evangelism, missions, stewardship, education, benevolence and worship while at no time attempting to exercise authority over or interfere with the autonomy of any member church. (Taken from the Constitution/Bylaws of the ACBA, revised 2016).
Website Update in Progress
Please be patient with us as we are in the process of redesigning our website!