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Dr. Larry Tarver

Director of Missions

Dr. Larry Tarver

  Send Email  •  (325)673-8349

Larry was born and raised in Abilene, and after graduating from Abilene High School, he
served aboard a submarine in the Atlantic Fleet of the U.S. Navy. He then attended Texas Tech
University in Lubbock, where he received his Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture, was
married to Dalena, and responded to the Lord’s summons into ministry. Larry received a Master
of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, and the Doctor of
Ministry Degree from Logsdon Theological Seminary of Hardin-Simmons University in
Over a span of 26 years Larry served as pastor in 4 rural churches, most recently for 16 years as
the initial Pastor of Clearfork Baptist Church (a new church start in 2001, near Hawley), which
subsequently became an ACBA partner church.
In 2016 a retired Senior Pastor of Abilene asked Larry’s permission to recommend him to
the ACBA for consideration to become the Director of Missions. And after being called to such,
Larry has been privileged to serve as the Director of Missions for the association since July
Larry and Dalena have been married since 1981 and have 3 adult children and 7
grandchildren. Larry enjoys reading, farming, fishing and hunting, and getting acquainted with
people who have yet to believe in Jesus Christ. Larry receives great pleasure in seeing what God
does through God’s people, who are inspired and equipped by the Holy Spirit.